ISTL Intern_International Business Cooperation Intern

Hsinchu County, Chutung Town, Taiwan ROC, Taiwan
Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center(ISTI)
Student (College)

This internship is in ITRI's Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center(ISTI), located on our main campus in Hsinchu County, Taiwan.

Job Description:

This internship will assist formulating strategies for international cooperation, planning mechanisms, contributing to ecosystem assessments, expanding and managing international partnerships, and supporting collaborative international projects. 

Desired Qualifications:

1. Education: Undergraduate, master's, or doctoral student in relevant fields such as international relations, business management, economics, etc.
2. Skills: Logical thinking , communication skills, teamwork, and the ability to manage stress effectively.
3. Experience: Preferably with experience in international business development, client management, or government projects.


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